Saturday, September 17, 2011


Outta nowhere
my son yells, "Liar!"
and I realize, startled,
that it's the commercial
with the governor
talking 'bout all the jobs
he's created.

And the kid's right.
The few jobs that've come
weren't brought on the wings
of this governor's policy.

Of course my son
is simply repeating
what he's heard us say,
but I like to think
he's also learning to question
the claims of bullshitting

Monday, September 5, 2011


I thought I saw Adam the other day
in the side mirror of a rusty
blue pick-up truck.  It wasn't him.

Then a flock of blackbirds flew fighting
one another from lawn to treetop.
Their hostility made me feel lonely.

I was going to call you, but all you have
is a cell phone and I don't want to talk
while you're deciding what vegetables

you want on your turkey club
on whole wheat at Subway.
We haven't spoken in months.

I don't blame the vegetables, it's
my hang up.  I don't blame the blackbirds either,
even though they're clearly following me.

They've just arrived next door.
Our cats will take care of them.
Where does Adam live now anyway?