Monday, January 16, 2012

A Religious Experience.

I hear the white and grey cat
speak from the basement.

He is always asking questions.
I rarely have an answer.

He is like a zen master
in his way of open questions.

We will sit together on carpet
in a sliver of sunlight.

I am crosslegged, and he watches
me smile.  His head tilts slightly.

Again, he is a question,
and this is the answer.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

This Guy I Know.

I like that guy.
He lives straightforward.

He works.
He seems to take care
of his people.

When he is thirsty,
he drinks.

When he says he is
happy to see you,
he is happy to see you.

When he is not happy to see you,
he says nothing at all.

I like that guy.

He is somebody.