Friday, October 19, 2012

Her eyes

Her eyes always looked
as if she'd just asked
a question
and in the answer

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Few Things I Believe (fall 2012)

I believe in the healing power
of Campbell's Soup, and I believe
in 15 minutes of fame.

To avoid bankruptcy 
they're selling Warhol
again and again and again.

I believe there is life on Mars.
I believe in David Bowie,
David Byrne, and David Beckham,

not to mention David Sedaris,
but I believe John Steinbeck
said it best.  Period.

I believe in the beautiful game
despite the relative negativity 
of my fellow Americans.

I believe in the power
of misinformation.
I believe I have been misled.

I believe that the power
of my vote has been
highly overrated.

I believe the leaves this year
contain reds so vibrant, they might
be accused of being socialist.

Friday, October 12, 2012