Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sweet Spot

There is a sweet spot
when the freight train
has just passed, and
has yet to resume -

Looking across
belligerent dogs, and
chain link fences
into a rare moment

of utter silence.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Early Lesson in Real Estate

I used to know a place
along our property line
where grape vines curled
overhead in a tube
like a wave break.

The space had size enough
for a few kids secluded,
carpeted with pine needles.
It was a comfortable hideout 
when necessary.

This has become my only
measure of good real estate,
small, soft, fresh smelling,
and few unwanted guests.
I learned it at 8 years old.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Water Water Everywhere and All the Cats Did Sleep.

The rain persisted,
turned downpour.

Our streetlight
went dark.

Leaves in porchlight
cast shadows
like giant spiders.

Three cats
slept easy

as water shook
the downspout.