Monday, October 28, 2013

Having learned that Lou Reed died...

I listen to Satellite of Love
a few times on the way to work,
as I pay close attention to my breathing
like I always do when someone dies,

as if I can simply will myself
to continue when the time comes.
There's a photo of Lou Reed with Warhol 
arm in arm that comes to mind and

I think about Jim's paintings, and how
I forgot to tell him that I dug the one
of Nicholson, and believe it's important
that he keep creating in this way.

I remember listening to Wild Side and
Rock 'n' Roll on Cleveland radio
in a baby blue Nova driving north
on Lake Avenue going to Lorain.

It was a clear day, and I watched 
store fronts and churches on broken
concrete slide into the past outside
a rear window.  I was a kid.  It felt good.

We're not kids anymore, but it's cool.
There's still all this music, and art, and I
still love a drive up Lake Avenue, listening
to Lou, and seeing what you're up to...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Iguazu Falls

                                      for Mandy

Rain over my gutters
demands a proper name
like Iguazu or Angel,
suddenly insistent,
angry even, as our
conversations sometimes
when the world becomes
too much, and its people
too terrible, or selfish so
our emotion becomes
too much water
for the downspout.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


The first sip of beer 
is an odd loaf of bread
which, over time,
comes to rest
in the middle of my head, 
warm, calm 
and courageous.