Saturday, December 21, 2013

Miser Magazine VIII

Got the latest Miser this week.  Excellent Cleveland area Art & Literature.  If you aren't getting these, then you have a problem (or 99 problems, and a lack of Miser is one).  Find them on Facebook, subscribe, support local art!  (I've used an exclamation point here, and I don't take that lightly)

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Freezing today,
21, 22, blowing snow
when the fire alarm went off.
We all evacuated, many
without coats and hats,
some in shirtsleeves.
We stood along Middle Ave.
waiting.  One girl showed us
her frozen hair, while others
compared the shades of blue
their hands had turned.
Some bounced.  Others
held each other close
out of necessity.
There are all sorts of students
at this school, but nothing
brings people together
like the collective outrage
over a bitter day, and the
bitter response 
to a malfunctioning
fire suppression system.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

This Christmas We Will Discuss Politics and Religion.

Embracing the season's sense of charity,
overwhelmed by the subtle artistic quality
of evening snow on Christmas lights,
and the beautiful economic politics
of a robed man from Argentina,
I took a sip of coffee and quietly considered
a return to the church of my childhood
before deciding simply to remain a leftist.