Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ain't nothin' goin' on but the rent.

Dave told us
about a family of 4
in a duplex on Maple
without heat and water.

They used the oven
to avoid hypothermia.

A drug dealer
the cops busted
in the house next door
had his bills paid in full.

I try not to ask
too many questions.

practical solutions to modern problems.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Follow Your Dreams

In a dream last night I met Ben Folds.  
I took his picture as he played Jackson Cannery
with a small band near a doorway
at Jamie's Flea Market.

After the tune we had a laugh or two
talking to the antique coin salesman
before we had an Italian sausage sandwich.

I'm thinking about going to Jamie's Saturday.
You might see me between the baseball cards
and comics, just past the used furniture
and books.  I'll be the guy with a camera

following his dreams.