Sunday, August 24, 2014


My son and his friends have been playing
a hybrid of kickball and baseball in the front yard again.

They've spent
the better part of the last 5 minutes
(and much of the summer)
arguing whether a neighborhood kid
was safe or out at second.  

No resolution seems forthcoming.  

Two fielders are near
to both rage and exhaustion.
My son is close to tears.  

One boy gets on his bike,
rides to the corner, then back.  
Screams of complaint continue.

He rides away again.  

A shaggy blond kid sits 
in a patch of dirt that serves as pitchers' mound.
He is normally a peacemaker.  
He holds his face in his hands.

School begins on Monday.
When they look back,
these will be 
the greatest days of their lives.

the view from a seat on the first base line.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

In a mild summer the garden flowers flourish.

The daisies near our porch have
really brought their game this year.
The goddam daisies!

Monday, August 18, 2014


Like a gunshot
our streetlight goes black,
then hums like a secret.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Saturday, August 9, 2014


There was a day this week
of glorious nothing.  It may
have been Thursday, but I 
cannot be sure.

I marked the watering of cucumbers 
as my chief accomplishment.

a bike ride - a glass of ice water

Later, as I sat in my backyard reading,
two city squirrels chased the afternoon.

a peanut butter sandwich - an idea on paper

A white cat and I sat in conversation
on the lawn for an hour or so.

the sun was there - a breeze from the north

In the evening we played 
soccer, kicking a ball together,
as the tree line measured time
until darkness.

Thursday, August 7, 2014